ul. Stępińska 13 (PYP)
ul. Zbierska 5 (MYP)
Szkoła podstawowa PYP
Szkoła podstawowa MYP
tel. PYP +48 22 841 29 91
tel. MYP +48 22 852 31 10

Superheroines in Grade 4

There is no unit about role models in Grade 4 without a workshop on Polish Superheroines! During the animated workshop by Fundacja Kosmos dla Dziewczynek, students had a chance to get to know 11 wonderful Polish women: a secret agent, a Himalayan climber, a painter, an inventor, a biologist, a writer, an actress, a collector, an astronomer, a ruler, a chemist. Each of the woman told about their life, work and passions and what was important to them.

And which of the heroines inspired fourth-graders the most? It turns out that also this year they are Simona Kossak and Wanda Rutkiewicz. Do you know them?

