Entrance exams for 1 DP-IB classes will be held on Friday 5th April and Saturday 6th April 2024.
The exact schedule will be sent to each candidate on 25th March.
The candidate selects 3 SL subjects and 3 HL subjects. Entrance exams must be written from all HL subjects, as well as SL subjects: French B, German B, Spanich SL, English A, English B, Matha AA and Visual Arts.
At the latest on 22nd March 2024 the exam fee should be paid – PLN 500 into the school bank account:
Bank: BNP Paribas
Account number: 15 1750 0009 0000 0000 0094 7903
Title: Admission + name and surname of child.
Application forms for 1 DP-IB: https://www.maturamiedzynarodowa.pl/liceum/en/admission/application-form-dp/