A bakery
At the beginning of the week Ladybugs' classroom changed in... a bakery! We were discovering secret...
Czytaj dalejThe Teddy Bear Day
Today every Ant and every Ladybug came to the kindergarden with their favorite teddy bear because o...
Czytaj dalejA hairdresser’s job
A hairdresser's job aroused kids curiosity! Ladybugs told us about their experiences in a hairdress...
Czytaj dalejDoctor’s job
Doctor's job aroused Ladybugs curiosity. Kids really enjoyed bandaging hands and heads There was ...
Czytaj dalejPharmacy and a shoemaker
During our walk we visited a pharmacy and a shoemaker which are located in our neighborhood. We got...
Czytaj dalejTalking about houses
We got to know some types of houses in which we can live. Playing interior designer we put furnitur...
Czytaj dalejWeek of independence
Because of the week of independence our Ladybugs got to know the polish flag, anthem, emblem and ma...
Czytaj dalejSoldier of Polish Army
The Unit of Inquiry related to occupations makes a lot of opportunities for Ladybugs to meet new gr...
Czytaj dalejPatriotic week
The Ants got to know the national symbols of the country they live. We used feathers and imprinted ...
Czytaj dalejOrange Ladybugs
During previous weeks our Ladybugs changed into magicians and they spelled the colour of orange. Th...
Czytaj dalej