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The return to the 1990s – tuesday

It is with great pleasure that we announce the winners of the competition for the best song translation from the 1990s. The first joint place was awarded to Julia Laurosiewicz for translating Jean Jacque Goldman’s song “Bonne Idée” from French and Lew Then-Obłuski for translating Alanis Morissette’s song “Hand in my pocket” from English. The jury consisting of: Renata Dziura – a French teacher, Marta Torres – a Spanish teacher, Aleksander Jarnicki – an English teacher and a special guest Dr. Maja Zawierzeniec – a translator, a poet and a Mexicanist, appreciated the winners’ translation skills, poetry and original translation solutions. The second place in the competition went to Bruno Bugla for the translation of the song “Hijo de la luna” by the band Mecano. The jury noticed the successful travesty of the text referring to the ballad style. It is also worth appreciating the awarded Erika Novikowa. Even though Polish is not her mother tongue, she coped quite well with translating from Spanish into Polish. Congratulations to the winners!!!

Finally, we have a poetic surprise. Kamila Kony and Erika Novikowa from grade 8 present a rap interpretation of the Spanish poem “Amor constante más allá de la muerte” by Francisco de Quevedo!

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