ul. Stępińska 13 (PYP)
ul. Zbierska 5 (MYP)
Szkoła podstawowa PYP
Szkoła podstawowa MYP
tel. PYP +48 22 841 29 91
tel. MYP +48 22 852 31 10

About grade 4a remote learning

Although we do not meet every day at Stępińska 13 at 8:30, we work very hard ONLINE in our MS Teams’ virtual space:)

The central idea of our current unit of inquiry is: “The rise and fall of ancient civilizations affect our lives today.” During remote learning we:

– created Egyptian masks

– got acquainted with the achievements of the civilization: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece and Rome

– read myths (not only Greek)

– created pyramids – pyramids of meshes

– mummified the apple in salt and soda

– designed Greek vases

– learned how Greek and Latin had an impact on English

– created prototypes of Roman aqueducts

– designed our own Roman mosaics

– watched what changes occurred in nature with the arrival of spring

– before Christmas, each of us inspired by spring made a painting from natural paints (e.g. turmeric, beetroot, spinach and green tea)

– constantly take care of our physical activity – we keep a diary of physical activity and take on various sports challenges

– try to be always balanced and find time to rest and do nothing

After Easter break, we worked on our summative assessment task in groups. Our speeches were to convince others that our civilization (Egypt, Greece or Rome) had the greatest impact on our modern life. It was a real challenge, but we did it! We are proud of ourselves!

Every week on Thursday, we work on the PYP Exhibition: https://www.maturamiedzacjonowa.pl/szkola-podstawowa/category/wystawa-2020/

During our remote learning, we sent a lot of photos, videos, written works, art works and pages from our notebooks. We miss school, but we try not to lose faith that we will meet again this year together in our room on the 2nd floor. 🙂


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