ul. Stępińska 13 (PYP)
ul. Zbierska 5 (MYP)
Szkoła podstawowa PYP
Szkoła podstawowa MYP
tel. PYP +48 22 841 29 91
tel. MYP +48 22 852 31 10

Monnet for Saint Francis de Sales SOCIAL HELP HOME

This year, thanks to the great initiative of our mathematician – Piotr Chlebus, students and teachers of our school community got involved in purchasing packages for the residents of the Saint Francis de Sales SOCIAL HELP HOME in Warsaw.

Our students prepared over 60 packages with gifts that were given to those in need.

We would like to give special thanks to Michał Rzepecki from the I preIB, he helped us persistently in transporting gifts to the SOCIAL HELP HOME in Solec district.



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