ul. Stępińska 13 (PYP)
ul. Zbierska 5 (MYP)
Szkoła podstawowa PYP
Szkoła podstawowa MYP
tel. PYP +48 22 841 29 91
tel. MYP +48 22 852 31 10

It’s good to have a friend

As part of the unit of inquiry about our well-being, we talk not only about our health but also about our mental and emotional well-being. Especially in November, during the National Independence Day celebrations, we were wondering what our home country is to us, how important it is to know the history and culture of our country. Moreover, as a student of an international school, we want to learn about the culture of our friends’ countries.

The international character of our school shows that friendship is beyond political, language, religious and cultural divisions. Then who is a friend? What does it mean to have a friend?

The second graders tried to answer these questions. The result of their actions is the creation of RECIPES FOR FRIENDSHIP. We encourage you to read and apply 🙂

10 glasses of goodness

  • 2 smiles
  • 100 cups of friendship
  • 12 glasses of cuddles
  • 100 bags with friendly love

 2 glasses of cuddles

  • 1 ton of friendship
  • 2 goblins of affection
  • pot of gratitude
  • 4 glasses of fun

1 kg of the joke

  • 1 kilogram of smiles
  • 1 kilogram of life
  • 1 kilogram of ‘fajniaki’
  • 1 kg of cuddles
  • 1 kilogram of gifts

A pinch of smile

  • glass of high fives
  • glass of cuddles
  • a pinch of help
  • kilogram of friendship

1 spoon of smiles

  • A glass of heart
  • 5 liters of cuddles
  • 80 grams of kisses
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