ul. Stępińska 13 (PYP)
ul. Zbierska 5 (MYP)
Szkoła podstawowa PYP
Szkoła podstawowa MYP
tel. PYP +48 22 841 29 91
tel. MYP +48 22 852 31 10

News from WAG Wild Animal Group

Past weeks we worked on the line: Negative impact of human actions on animals


  • went on a ‘Cleaning walk’ to clean the area around our school.
  • visited Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczo Leśnej in Powsin to learn about wild animals and we painted wild animals at school
  • created mini posters and researched the topic of how are animals used by humans (eg. for food, for clothing, entertainment).
  • came up with an idea of Garage sale to support Australian animals. It will take place on February 27th. We also inquired about Australian animals.
  • have done our midway reflection on the learner profile, approaches to learning and answered questions.

We are ready for winter break and will come back with new energy!


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