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ul. Zbierska 5 (MYP)
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tel. PYP +48 22 841 29 91
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Climate magazine of the Here Now Climate! group ready to read. Welcome 🙂

We are very happy with the results of our work, i.e. with the challenge of creating a climate magazine for the Monnet school community. Over a month of work began with searching sources of knowledge on which we could base our articles. The next step was writing, writing and writing texts. And when they were ready, we moved on to activities related to the design of the newspaper’s graphic design. And this is how our climate magazine was created 🙂

For the sake of our planet, we encourage everyone to read it and we hope that our climate magazine will become an impulse for positive climate action or encourage people to change habits that are not always good for the environment.

LINK TO OUR MAGAZINE: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF47QmtjUg/SsbkEo6Ecj5pdqpGeEnp8Q/view
