Autumn treasures
The youngest group brought autumn treasures to the classroom, and the aunts decided to organize mat...
Czytaj dalej“Pasja” Stable – Baked Potato Day
One beautiful Autumn day, Paddington preschoolers and Ladybirds went on a trip to "Pasja" stable. W...
Czytaj dalejWe’re going for a walk
To finish off our travelling unit, Maluchy went on a small walk around the neighbourhood paying spec...
Czytaj dalejMuseum Station
On Wednesday, February 20th, Groups I & II visited Warsaw Railway Museum – Museum Station. We ha...
Czytaj dalejAt the campsite
It's definitely too cold to sleep outside in a tent, so we decided to camp in the classroom! We talk...
Czytaj dalejA Trip to the Sea
It may be cold outside, but not in our classroom! We have created a beach in a box and had a close l...
Czytaj dalejA Trip to the Lake
A wonderful lake has appeared in our classroom! Under fisherman Rysio's watchful eye we've been lear...
Czytaj dalejA trip to the mountains
We found out more about things one can do in the mountains. Afterwards, we created a ski slope and s...
Czytaj dalejGrandparents’ Day – preparations
Costumes, presents, rehearsals... Preparations to the show are in full swing! Gallery:
Czytaj dalejA trip to Cracow
We went on a trip to Cracow! We listened to the legend about Krak and the Dragon, saw pictures of Cr...
Czytaj dalej