Fieldtrip to Jastrzębia Góra 16-19 June 2016
Dojechaliśmy, wykonaliśmy wszystko co trzeba, przeżyliśmy “zieloną noc” i wróciliśmy 🙂
Fifteen students of the 2 IB class and four teachers from Monnet International School in Warsaw (16:4 – nice ratio) participated in this year’s Scientific and Art fieldtrip – by some called “camp” in Jastrzębia Góra. This place was selected to see and measure the Baltic shore ecosystem, soil profiles, density, distribution and abundance of plant species etc. Although, 501 km away from Abramowskiego 4, the trip, thanks to Mr. Leszek (our driver) and his nice Mercedes bus with PINK outside mirrors, was a pieces of cake. The “Keja pensjonat” was OK too, old from the 80-s, but with bathrooms, TV-s and internet so as soon as we rested a little (very little) the Art Session no 1 was rolling on. The Biology and Geography groups not very far behind. Thursday ended in a ……..PUB where we watch Euro 2016 hoping Poland wins Germany. The result 0:0 was a success we celebrated loudly on our way to “Keja” pensjonat. Finally, at about 1 am night silence was obtained………………
Friday – rains, storms, room activities – all went well (!?).
Saturday – the beach in Dębki – three groups working individually – I must say – a nice view, especially the hard working people. The lazy ones …….. will have some problems with getting credit for the fieldwork – but we live in a free country so the responsibility is theirs !!! Conclusion for the organizers/teachers – don’t go on a camp after the final school classification!!!. The famous “zielona noc/ green night” which ended at 1 am, although some played badminton at 3 am – the teachers claimed to be a success.
Sunday – the departure day. Instead of 8.00 we left at 9.00 to be at school about 4 pm. The end !
Now, I would like to say THANK YOU to all the participants – it was great to have you all and learn from you and about you, a lot. THANK YOU TEACHERS! Ms. Marta for very interesting Art Sessions no 1,2,3,4,5,6…….., Ms Beata for teaching SL and my HL students and Mr. Darek for teaching geography to……. all the students and us – teachers ( did you know that 12000 years ago Baltic was a lake with little conductivity !?). So ….. see you next year IB TWO !
Mr. Roland
PS. Here are some student’s opinions:
1. “The camp was really great, it has put me in a nice mood and state”. S1
2. “I learnt how to make pictures that use perspective. I’d like to go next year too”. S2
3. “ Ten camp nie jest za bardzo zorganizowany, nie mamy za dużo wolnego czasu. Kiedy przyjechaliśmy w czwartek, mieliśmy tylko parę godzin odpoczynku, potem od razu zajęcia (więc proszę więcej wolnego czasu).” S3
4. „Very, very nice. I had fun. I wish the weather was better and that it was all more organized. No point in paying a lot for the bus and have no food, so more food :). We had some free time and that was great so we weren’t too tired. The place was nice too. Next classes should attend too”. S4
5. I think this camp was good because not only did I learn some new information from geography but also I was able to see the beautiful landscape in Jastrzębia Góra. I also enjoyed the fact that we could go into town for meals. One downside was that the trip was during the weekend. Please change that and more of us would come!” S5
6. “Nice people, nice place, only weather could be better”. S6
7. “In my opinion the camp is going great. I think the group of teachers shouldn’t be changed”. S7
8. “Nie spodziewałam sie niczego dobrego, a bardzo miło się zaskoczyłam” S8
9. „In my opinion the camp was really fun. We had a lot of freedom and the atmosphere was great, food was delicious and views were interesting” – S9
10. “I was pleasantly surprised by this school trip, although I really wish I hadn’t messed up so much as I did seem really disrespectful towards the teachers. This trip made me grow closer to a fraction of our class and I’m very thankful for that. (Thanks to the teachers for being so understanding)” – S 10
11. “The camp was great, because all the teachers cared about our safety and good time. It was the best school trip ever” S 11
12. “ The camp was great. And the sea ……!” S12
(the spelling and sentence structure – original ! Mr. Roland)
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