Gazeta Monneta #6
Dear readers!
On the cover of Gazeta Monneta, red figures appear from between the frames. A woman with a child and her mirror image are standing in front of us. Everything appears in the form of a Ukrainian cutout. It is a traditional folk art that appeared in Ukraine in the middle of the 19th century. Initially, it was an element of the decorations of rural huts.
What do we see when we look at these figures in red? We can see sadness, depression, maybe fatigue. The baby cuddles up to his mother, and she looks at him with an expression of pain on her face. This evokes some associations with the Eurovision Song Contest I watched recently. This competition was won by the Ukrainian Kalush Orchestra with their piece “Stefania”. This is a song about the mother of one of the band members. This piece also became an allegory of a Ukrainian mother. A suffering, longing and aching mother.
But Ukraine is not only suffering. Ukraine is the joy of singing and dancing, delicious cuisine, phenomenal monuments. It is a rich history, sense of humour and talented scientists. And finally, talented, energetic young people.
New people from Ukraine have also recently joined our school. I am pleased to teach two new students. They are both very hardworking and talented. I admire them and I am glad that they managed to find a safe haven in Monnet. And I really want them to return to their own beautiful cities as soon as possible.
The newest issue of Gazeta Monneta is largely devoted to our wonderful and brave neighbour – Ukraine. In addition to the Ukrainian topic, you will find a large portion of literature and science in this issue. Our students also do not shy away from psychological and sports topics. There is also a pinch of sun and beach. Summer is finally here!
I wish all readers of Gazeta Monneta a wonderful holiday!
Editor-in-chief of Gazeta Monneta
Aleksander Jarnicki

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