Festival of Hope
Times are what they are, everyone can see it. Epidemics, wars, climate disasters, the media feed us almost exclusively with tragedies and threats. Parents are increasingly afraid for the future of their children. They try to prevent misfortunes and failures, seeking the best solutions for their offspring. Out of fear, they tend to excessively control, sometimes creating precise scenarios for the future of their daughters and sons, making choices for them. They enforce maximum results in school exams. They “bet” on tutoring, not allowing them to pursue their passions, not giving them space for free time, or even more – any freedom. Schools, in turn, are focused on results. The student has often become a machine for producing the best possible results, which will enable the school to be ranked first in various rankings.
In addition to this, there is the addiction of increasingly younger people to “flashing screens” and the Internet. And on the Internet, it is known that there are fake news, critical opinions, ratings, and aggression.
Young people now have an exceptionally hard time. You have to be a titan to grow up and mature peacefully in this modern world!
There is no more important task for teachers than to show children and young people hope. And hope arises when we feel that we have an influence – on our own lives, on the lives of others, on the fate of the world. When we feel strength and power within ourselves. When we feel free! When we can express ourselves without constraint. When we know how to cooperate with others.
The inspiration came from the IBO.
The idea is to involve as many schools as possible in the Festival of Hope, which will:
- create a global platform for discussions, social, scientific, and artistic activities;
- encourage organizing meetings of students with representatives of the world of science and art, who will show directions and possibilities of action that will change the world for the better;
- inspire the creation of events that will show every young person that they are not alone and will facilitate their self-expression.
Our school has been taking such actions for many years, but the Festival of Hope will certainly help to intensify them and make them an absolute priority. This school year, we have already strengthened hope through meetings with Katarzyna Miller, Maja Zawierzeniec, and artists, numerous sports and artistic events that opened up, encouraged, delighted, and strengthened a sense of self-worth. There will be many such events until the end of the year. Among them, the 25th-anniversary celebration of the Primary Years Programme, an IB program for children from the age of three. The strength of this program is greatest because its recipients are the youngest, most receptive children. Like all IB programs, it strengthens enthusiasm, curiosity, creativity, cooperation skills, and courage. It builds a sense of self-worth and agency. And that is precisely what gives life meaning and fills young, sensitive hearts with hope.
In times when psychiatric hospitals are bursting at the seams and the number of suicides is increasing, generating joy and agency is truly worth its weight in gold!
Hanna Buśkiewicz-Piskorska
We invite you to watch the playlist of performance videos.
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